CELI is profiled in Forbes


Friends & colleagues: August 13th was a great day for our organization, and we wanted to take a moment to share it with you.

Forbes published a profile of our organization, "How One Non-Profit is Training a Different Kind of Leader to Revolutionize the Clean Energy Industry", and we are both thrilled and humbled by the positive coverage.

As many of you know, a little over two years ago, a couple of like-minded clean energy enthusiasts came together around a mission: to start an organization that brought together smart, talented, diverse young professionals working across various fields in clean energy. The goal was not only to educate these individuals, but also to inspire them to push harder for leadership positions and to support their careers in this growing yet complicated world of clean energy.

Through hard work and determination - especially by our volunteer-run leadership team - we have created an incredible community of future leaders.

We want to thank you for supporting us these last few years. Today, we celebrate our success, but we aren’t slowing down. We look forward to working with you to continue growing the organization!

Please take a moment to read the Forbes article and help us amplify by sharing it on Twitter or Facebook.

Best, The CELI Leadership Team

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